While in art school in Kyoto, Japan, I was challenged to find an unique way to express myself. Inspiration struck when I saw my mother’s sewing machine at home. I thought it could be a good idea to use it to draw pictures. My mother was a professional dressmaker and I grew up watching her sew. I didn’t know how to sew (still don’t) but I knew how to use a sewing machine.
Since then, my interest has been to give still lives a new fresh look. I sketch my design with pen, trace them onto fabric, then start stitching - starting with the lighter colors, then the darker and outlines in the end— using a straight-stitch-only sewing machine.
My work has appeared in many magazines and advertisement all over the world, including an award-winning project in Martha Stewart Living June 2010. I live in San Francisco now and find interesting things to sew all around me.
卒業後、My Darling Machineを引っさげて上京、フリーのイラストレーターとして活動。その後アメリカはサンフランシスコに引っ越し、三代目Darling Machineを今日もガタガタ踏んでいる。
1986 集英社non-no手芸賞グランプリ
1987 日本グラフィック展協賛企業賞
1988 The Choice入選(日比野克彦氏・選)
1990 毎日広告デザイン賞奨励賞
2004 カレンダー展スポンサー賞
2011 NY ADC Annual Award Bronze